비밀 ♪


what if i was wrong about it

there are a lot of things want to share about

both good and bad

if life is just like a mountain

I guess I'm walking to the botton of it 

doubt about what I choose to believe

hope it won't be too long to get over it

 I'm doing the job as I always pray for 

to be a helper, not for birth but for death

but am I really ready for it ?



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waiting & excepting

don't lose your faith

turn off the light of yourself

everything will be bright


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10497131_10152324036734585_5439435542844224128_o  @home

it's been a year

still remember how i woke up at the early morning

still remember how a kindly person he is

still remember how he leave

still remember


it's a picture for you

because i'm missing you today

for someone who might like the sky : )

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 10380475_10152315187604585_3660878748846555229_o  @ home

hard work makes perfect

so believe what you do and make it perfect as much as possible


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life...full of life and death

as grown up...have to accept there are more left you, no matter people or pets

weary...physically and mentally

still...door knocking and phone ring make me feel uncomfortable

i guess it's hard to get rid of it


but it's good to hear these songs

it conforts me

and it's good to know that you're happy


keep faith

looking forward to  meet

making and remembering the memory

if it's possible

keep walking, holding hands, as long as possible, with each other

to the end

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