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2015-02-22-13-10-19_deco  @ home

Y.H. 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

1614140_10152800785124585_7527341731334078443_o  ♥

that's a lovely memory to know you

it's one of the reasons to keep doing it

i'll pray for you to have a better life and meet a person who can truely love you

don't forget, you're an amazing gril 

just want to let you know, i do care about you

i'll remember what you said

be safe and happy, there's no pain anymore

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this is the moment to feel rest

Y.H. 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


for You

no matter what the sunny day will always there for you

both good and bad things will be a nice experience for you

keep yourself safe, happy, and positive

if you know where i'm, i'll always be there for you

catch your dreams, do your duty

as time goes by, we'll be stronger

keep waiting for that day

don't forget to : )

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  • Dec 23 Tue 2014 20:26
  • [M]

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