비밀 ♪

目前分類:life (44)

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as a teacher, you should think how to teach and what's the good thing for your students

as a doctor, you should do your best to save people

as a worker for shleter of stray dogs, you should know what's good for the dog

and not just thinking about your own good


as you do everything and try do change everyone can really take care about dog

that's what i try to do, but i failed to do that

no matter how hard you try, no one reallly want to change 

and you keep trying and keep disappointed in people you work with

at last, you lost your life, your passion, your dream and your believe of people

you don't have time to rest, to think only about yourself, to enjoy the day off

you don't have time to take care about the one you care

you don't have time to think about love

and this is life i'm having now

so i'm really sorry for no messeages or nice photo

i'm lost on the way of dream

so please take care about yourself, be safe and healthy, enjoy your work

i'm trying to read what you want to say

pray for you, hope for only good things around you 


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i'm still alive

just too busy to update

too busy to have time to rest

too tired and stressful

can't sleep well and get up pretty early

it seems there's some new project for you

it's good to know that you're well and enjoy your life

the ocean is so pretty : ) 



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17191430_10154637410724585_1472741460682558986_n  sky selfie

that's what we lost in life as we only choose to keep moving 

without stop, rest, or a glimpse of beautiful things

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Just have faith in me 🌆🌝🌞

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a little bit different, the end of 2016

wishes for 2017

1. cut off tears

2. have new friends

3. have nice weather for each season

4. meet someone 

5. keep updating nice pictures 




and continue

please to be a lovely year 

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#立山 ( たてやま )#Kamikouchi#がっしょうむら#Autumn

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  • Mar 30 Mon 2015 19:38
  • [유]


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2015-02-22-13-10-19_deco  @ home

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@ home

Do you know i miss you?

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from net

thank for the sunny today : )

lovely day



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waiting for Oct 17th

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heading home after went to a wedding


keep stay and wait

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10497131_10152324036734585_5439435542844224128_o  @home

it's been a year

still remember how i woke up at the early morning

still remember how a kindly person he is

still remember how he leave

still remember


it's a picture for you

because i'm missing you today

for someone who might like the sky : )

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 10380475_10152315187604585_3660878748846555229_o  @ home

hard work makes perfect

so believe what you do and make it perfect as much as possible


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10293839_10152195092359585_2199705486913539398_o  @home


they asked you to love people

but they don't remember to ask them to love you back

sometimes they still don't like you because you are not a ___

no matter how much you do for them


that's life

can't and don't want to change it

because you just can't

so just find yourself some beauty to ease the pain


hope everything is fine for you : )


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